AAAR 38th Annual Conference

Conference Committee

Matti Maricq, Conference Chair
Donald Dabdub, Abstracts
Pat Keady, Exhibits Chair
Sergey Nizkorodov, Development Committee Chair
Patricia Fritz, Early Career Committee Chair
Kirsten Koehler, Tutorial Chair
Shanna Ratnesar-Shumate, Tutorial Vice-Chair


Technical Program Committee

Gabriel Isaacman-VanWertz, Aerosol Chemistry
Eirini Goudeli, Aerosol Physics
Andrew May, Atmospheric Aerosols
Anne Perring, Bioaerosols
Prem Lobo, Combustion & Material Synthesis
Marit Meyer, Control Technology
Krystal Pollitt, Health Related Aerosols
Suresh Dhaniyala, History of Aerosol Science
Marina Vance, Indoor Aerosols & Aerosol Exposure
Alison Aiken, Instrumentation

Dates to Remember

September 18, 2020
Early Bird Registration Ends

October 5-9, 2020
AAAR 38th Annual Conference (Virtual)


Code of Conduct




Online Registration is Now Open!

Click here to register online

Conference Registration Fees
Early Bird
Received By
September 18, 2020
Received After
September 18, 2020
Early Career $299 $349
Full/Regular Member $349 $399
Student $188 $188
Retiree $188 $188