AAAR 38th Annual Conference


Dear Colleagues:

On behalf of the conference organizers, I am excited to welcome you to the 38th AAAR Annual Conference. Due to concerns about the COVID19 crisis, this year’s conference will for the first time be virtual. We intend to provide the same opportunity that you are used to for sharing your latest research progress in aerosol science and technology, while networking and re-connecting with colleagues.

The conference will take place in the same general timeframe as originally intended, namely October. As we explore the opportunities that a virtual platform provides, we may adjust the specific dates across October to provide the maximum value to our members. The abstract submission deadline remains July 6, 2020. Please go to for any updates.

Plans for the 2020 Conference include tutorials covering a wide range of aerosol science topics, an exciting array of plenary talks, special symposia, poster sessions, platform presentations, and special events. Our outstanding lineup of plenary speakers for 2020 includes Ann Marie Carlton (atmospheric aerosols), David Kittelson (progress in engine PM emissions), Marit Meyer (aerosols in space exploration), and Doug Worsnop (aerosol mass spectrometry). The technical program will feature platform and poster sessions.  We are exploring options for networking and informal exchange, as well as opportunities to interact with aerosol science and technology companies.

We will have five symposia designed to bridge multiple areas and promote cross-disciplinary interaction on the following topics:

  • Satellite-Data and Environmental Health Applications
  • Environmental Justice: Technology, Frameworks, and Outcomes
  • Dusty Plasma
  • Missing Contributors to SOA: The Role of Volatile Chemical Products (VCPS)
  • The Role of aerosol science in the understanding of the spread and control of COVID-19 and other infectious diseases.

The conference committee is working closely with the AAAR business office Virtual, Inc. to develop the programming for the virtual conference. We hope to maintain many of the high impact activities that we all expect from the in-person conference and also take advantage of new opportunities available with the on-line conference.

At this time, we plan to continue the “Meet the Job Seekers” poster session and “Fine Particle Art Competition” this year, where students and post-docs can connect with prospective employers and you can showcase your most beautiful artistic-looking particles, respectively.

We are also looking for dedicated volunteers to serve on AAAR committees in 2020-21. If you are a member, have been attending previous AAAR meetings, and are ready to give back to the Association by serving on its committees in the future, please contact AAAR Vice President Sergey Nizkorodov (

We appreciate your patience as we "go virtual".  Please check the conference website for updates:

Thank you for your understanding and support and we hope this message finds you in good health and in good spirits.



Matti Maricq, 2020 Conference Chair

AAAR 2020 Conference Committee


Dates to Remember

September 18, 2020
Early Bird Registration Ends

October 5-9, 2020
AAAR 38th Annual Conference (Virtual)


Code of Conduct




Online Registration is Now Open!

Click here to register online

Conference Registration Fees
Early Bird
Received By
September 18, 2020
Received After
September 18, 2020
Early Career $299 $349
Full/Regular Member $349 $399
Student $188 $188
Retiree $188 $188