AAAR 38th Annual Conference

Instructions for Presenters

We are looking forward to your presentation at this year’s AAAR Virtual Conference, October 5 – 9! We are excited for this opportunity to host our conference virtually. As a presenter, there will be an abundance of unique instruction, different than what your used to in past conferences. We ask that you please read the below information carefully.

Platform Presenters

Session Recording Instructions

  1. Confirm that you have a Zoom Account, as it is required for your participation. If not, please visit and follow the steps to create a free account.
  2. All pre-recordings will be facilitated by Community Brands, individual recording will not be expected.  Each presenter must schedule a pre-recording session with a representative from Community Brands prior to September 13th by clicking here;. Should you not schedule with CB by this deadline, your presentation will be withdrawn from the program.
  3. All recordings are due September 28th; therefore, it is critical that you please schedule your pre-recording session by the specified data above.

Additional Information

As you prepare for your recording session, please refer to this PDF for details on camera placement, light, background, etc. for the most effective presentation

To ensure equal time for each presenter in a session and to allow live discussion of the presentations, each presentation is limited to 10 minutes. Please practice your presentation and adjust the number of slides / materials per slide to ensure that your presentation fits the 10-minute limit.

Platform Presenter FAQ

Q: How long will the appointment actually take?
A: The appointment will take 20-30 minutes per a 10-minute speaking slot. 90-minutes was the platforms standard recording window, however, your session will not take that long.

Q: What if I cannot find an appointment time that works for my schedule?
A: Please contact Kayla Chandler at

Q: Is it possible to just submit an MP4 file?
A: If you prefer to pre-record on your own, please reach out to Kayla Chandler at to confirm.

Q: Who would I submit the file to?
A: Your file can be uploaded here.

Q: If I submit a file, do I still need to make an appointment?
A: If you submit a file, you do not need to make an appointment. However, the video is due Sept 28 at the latest.


Poster Presenters

Poster Instructions

Given the unique nature of a virtual conference, your poster session will understandably have a different look! We hope this new look allows you to connect and showcase your work to an even broader audience.

Your poster ‘space’ will be created directly though our virtual event software, Community Brands. Click here for instructions on how to get started. You will start by creating an admin log in, which offers you the ability to customize your virtual poster booth.

You have the option to record a 10-minute (or up to 10 minute) video giving a talk as your “poster” in addition to the other poster booth features offered by Community Brands. You will simply pre-record your session on your own, download as an MP4 file, and upload into the poster booth using the instruction provided.

In addition to the attached information, there are weekly tutorial sessions should you need additional assistance creating your poster booth. See below –

Virtual Poster Booth Building Tutorial Session
Weekly: Mon, Wed, Fri
12:30pm - 1:00pm ET

Please click the link below to join the webinar.

Or Telephone:
US: +1 408 638 0968 or +1 646 876 9923 or +1 669 900 6833
Canada: +1 587 328 1099 or +1 647 374 4685

Should you not be able to attend a tutorial session, the recording can be viewed below.

Tutorial Session Recording

You will have access to create your poster booth starting on Friday, September 11th and it must be completed by Friday, September 25th.

Poster Format:

The live poster session times are as follows. You have been assigned a specific day, please refer to your presenter acceptance email for your assigned time.

Monday (10/5) Tuesday (10/6) Wednesday (10/7) Thursday (10/8)
6-7:30 PM ET 6-7:30 PM ET 6-7:30 PM ET 6-7:30 PM ET

 We apologize to those of you for whom this time is inconvenient. Unfortunately, it is not possible to find a time that is convenient to all time zones across the globe. If you are unable to man your poster booth, please indicate this in your presentation and ask attendees to contact you with questions either via posting the question in your booth or via direct email to you.

If you are able to, we ask that you man your poster booth. Manning a booth virtually simply means staying on your poster page to interactive with attendees via the chat function at the bottom of the page. All individuals within the same page have the ability to chat amongst each other. If you are un able to be present at your designated time, attendees can leave questions/comment that you can review/respond to at a later date.

Click here for an example of what the finished ‘poster booth’ looks like for your reference.

Poster Presenter FAQ

Q: What is the format of the recorded poster presentation?
A: The platform we are using allows multiple formats for poster uploads so the format is flexible. The "poster" presenter can upload a traditional poster, or they can upload a slide deck without sound, or they can upload a traditional platform type presentation.


The American Association for Aerosol Research 38th Annual Conference Social Media Policy

Social media offers the opportunity for attendees of the AAAR conference to engage and communicate with each other, the broader scientific community, and the general public, about exciting research presented in the meeting. While some presenters may prefer that their research – which may be preliminary, in progress, or under review – not be disseminated beyond the conference, others may be happy to have their presentations shared outside the conference, including on social media. In order to balance these considerations, the AAAR policy on sharing and social media is as follows:

photo OK

Attendees may share or post content from others’ presentations only when they have explicit permission by the presenter to do so. This permission will be given by an “ok to post” icon on the presenter’s slides or presentation.

It is assumed that the primary platform for social media posts will be Twitter; tweets related to the conference should use the hashtag #AAAR2020. Inappropriate content – e.g., material that may be viewed as libelous, defamatory, obscene, threatening, or abusive – is prohibited.

Dates to Remember

September 18, 2020
Early Bird Registration Ends

October 5-9, 2020
AAAR 38th Annual Conference (Virtual)


Code of Conduct




Online Registration is Now Open!

Click here to register online

Conference Registration Fees
Early Bird
Received By
September 18, 2020
Received After
September 18, 2020
Early Career $299 $349
Full/Regular Member $349 $399
Student $188 $188
Retiree $188 $188