AAAR 40th Annual Conference

Conference Events

AMS/ACSM “Mini” Users’

Monday October 3, 2022 | 1pm-5pm

Organizer: Benjamin Nault

To accommodate people that may not be able to attend the AMS/ACSM Users’ Meeting in September during the International Aerosol Conference in Athens, we will be hosting a “Mini” Users’ Meeting during AAAR. It will be held it on Monday, October 3, 2022, at the Raleigh Convention Center. As this is a mini meeting, it will be for ~3-4 hours.

Science Communication Program

Monday October 3, 2022 | 5pm-6pm

Organizer: Cliff Davidson

AAAR members have the expertise and experience that can inform non-technical audiences when there is a need to understand aerosol phenomena. There are many examples of this, for example, health impairment by high urban aerosol concentrations, point releases of toxic aerosols from a major source, and spread of the COVID 19 virus by aerosols. In this session, we hear from AAAR members who have worked with non-technical professionals to communicate valuable technical information to help the public understand aerosol science. Professor Linsey Marr from Virginia Tech will lead off with a discussion of how she has helped spread the word about aerosols containing COVID 19 so individuals across the country and across the world can protect themselves from the virus. This will be followed by comments by three panelists with experience in communicating technical information to non-technical people. The panelists are Joshua Apte of UC Berkeley who has studied neighborhood air quality and environmental justice in cities, Pete DeCarlo of Johns Hopkins University who has researched potentially toxic aerosols indoors and outdoors, and Jose Jimenez at the University of Colorado Boulder who has engaged in aerosol instrument development and participation in numerous monitoring campaigns. A question and answer session will follow.

Geeks Who Drink Trivia for AAAR

Monday October 3, 2022 | 7:00pm-8:30pm

Are you ready to showcase your knowledge of pop culture and aerosols? Come join us for a special trivia quiz hosted by Geeks Who Drink. The quiz will include 6 rounds of 8 questions with 2 rounds specifically themed for AAAR. This event is free and open to all Conference Attendees. But you must register in advance to attend. You can sign-up to participate during Registration. All participants will be randomly assigned to teams. The deadline to sign-up is Monday September 19, 2022.

Environmental Justice Book Club Discussion

Tuesday October 4, 2022 | 12pm-1pm

book coverIn 2022, members of our research community published several studies documenting how ambient concentrations of fine particulate matter and other pollutants vary with residential segregation as well as discriminatory housing and land-use policies. Join us in reading Toxic Communities by Dorceta Taylor, in advance of the conference, to learn more about the history of the environmental justice movement in the United States, factors that drive racist disparities in exposure to pollution, and relevant questions for researchers seeking to address these disparities. We’ll meet from 12pm-1pm on Tuesday, October 4th to discuss these topics as well as considerations for applying an environmental justice lens to aerosol research.

Welcome Reception

Tuesday October 4, 2022 | 6pm-8pm

This is your opportunity to meet and greet the Exhibitors. Representatives from well-known and respected Companies are happy to discuss their products and talk with you about the latest in aerosol technology and advances in the field. The reception will be held in Exhibit Hall.

AAAR 5k(ish) Fun Run/Walk

Wednesday October 5, 2022 | 6:30am-7:30am

Location: Meet at the Marriott driveway on Fayetteville St.

Route: 3.8 mi out and back course from the State Capitol to NC State campus. If you don’t want to do the full 3.8 mi, turn around at any time!


Early Career Event

Wednesday October 5, 2022 | 11:30am-1pm

This session will consist of a series of roundtable discussions, featuring experts across multiple disciplines and sectors. This year’s theme will focus on elevating the voices of early career scientists. Speakers will provide their insight on advocating for oneself in one’s own career and engaging within and outside their own institutions.

How to Build a Community of Scholars in AAAR for Community-Engaged Research Panel Discussion

Wednesday October 5, 2022 | 12pm-1pm

Facilitator: Andrea Ferro (Clarkson University)

Panel Members: Cesunica Ivey (UC Berkeley), Lupita Montoya (Universidad Autónoma de Baja California), Cliff Davidson (Syracuse University), Louie Rivers (USEPA)

Community-engaged research (CER) is critical for the understanding and successful implementation of engineering solutions to environmental problems, which predominantly affect communities of color. CER funding from several US federal agencies, such as EPA, NSF and NIH, is increasing in support of Biden-Harris Administration environmental justice and equity priorities. We will convene our panel of experts from academia, government and community partners to discuss pertinent issues regarding CER and to share experiences from various perspectives. Our goal is to build a community of scholars in AAAR whose members understand, support and value CER, can translate and communicate CER for review, tenure and promotion cases at their home institutions, and promote best practices for conducting CER to ensure shared knowledge creation and equitable and ethical community partnerships.

Organizers: Andrea Ferro, Lupita Montoya, Cesunica Ivey, Cliff Davidson, C Y Wu (University of Florida), and Sheryl Ehrman (San Jose State University)


Andrea FerroAndrea Ferro is a professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Clarkson University, the Clarkson Institute for a Sustainable Environment associate director for research, a recent past president of AAAR, and a current member of the AAAR ad hoc Committee for Representation and Equity Affairs and the AAAR Nominating Committee. Her technical expertise is focused on indoor air quality and human exposure to aerosols. She has worked directly with communities, schools, and hospitals and to measure, understand and mitigate sources of aerosol exposure. She has been conducting research in the field of particle resuspension for more than 20 years, including measurement and modeling of particle adhesion, detachment and transport at multiple scales, as well as the quantification of human exposure to resuspended particles for various exposure scenarios. Andrea is the PI on a new NSF ADVANCE Partnership: Strategic Partnership for Alignment of Community Engagement in STEM (SPACES) to address gender- and race-based systemic inequity in academia. SPACES is a collaborative effort among 11 academic institutions, four professional societies, including AAAR, and an NSF initiative focused on community engaged research.

Dr. Cesunica IveyDr. Cesunica Ivey is an assistant professor in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at the University of California, Berkeley and the PI of the Air Quality Modeling and Exposure Lab. She was formerly an assistant professor in the Chemical and Environmental Engineering Department at the University of California, Riverside. She earned her Ph.D. in environmental engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2016. She was a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Physics at the University of Nevada Reno through 2017 and was also a visiting scientist at NOAA’s Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory in the spring of 2018. Her research centers on atmospheric modeling, source apportionment, data assimilation, exposure monitoring, and environmental justice applications. Dr. Ivey was recently honored as part of the C&EN Talented 12 Class of 2021.

Dr. Lupita D. MontoyaDr. Lupita D. Montoya is a Research Affiliate at CU Boulder (Engineering) and San Diego State University (Public Health). She is presently an US Fulbright-García Robles Scholar at the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California in Tijuana, Mexico. She is a trained mechanical engineer with a BS degree from California State University Northridge and MS degree from Stanford University, where she gave her first lecture on Environmental Justice as a student and became the first Chicana to earn a PhD in Environmental Engineering. She conducted extensive postdoctoral training in Environmental Health at the State University of New York and at Harvard School of Public Health, where she was the first engineer to hold the Yerby Postdoctoral Fellowship. Her multidisciplinary research ranges from fundamental to applied and addresses environmental and health impacts of indoor air pollution, especially in low-income/marginalized communities in the US and abroad. Dr. Montoya is a first-generation Latinx scholar, who has been conducting Community Engaged Research since 1999. Her research was recently featured in the HBO Max documentary “Not So Pretty”, an exposé on the beauty industry. She is the chair of the Representation and Equity Affairs ad hoc committee at AAAR.

Cliff DavidsonCliff Davidson is the Thomas and Colleen Wilmot Professor of Engineering in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Syracuse University in Syracuse, NY. He also serves as Director of Environmental Engineering Programs, and Director of the Center for Sustainable Engineering. He received his B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University, and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Environmental Engineering Science from California Institute of Technology. Following his PhD, he was a member of the Carnegie Mellon faculty for 33 years before moving to Syracuse University in 2010. Davidson’s research background is in the area of air quality, especially aerosol interaction with surfaces. He has also worked on environmental sustainability in other areas, such as the design of sustainable cities, the effectiveness of green roofs in reducing urban stormwater runoff, educational innovations for teaching sustainable engineering, and identifying the preferences of individuals and organizations for strategies to adapt to climate change. He has published over 140 papers in refereed journals and another 100 papers in peer-reviewed conference proceedings and book chapters. He is a past president of AAAR.

Louie RiversLouie Rivers is the social science advisor in the immediate office of the assistant administrator in the EPA’s Office of Research and Development. Before joining the EPA Louie was an associate professor in the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources at NC State University. Rivers earned his Ph.D. in natural resources from Ohio State University and currently teaches adaptive management and governance and environmental justice and decision making. His research focuses on the examination of risk, judgment and decision process in minority and marginalized communities, particularly in regards to the natural environment and issues of environmental justice. Traditionally, the study and governance of risk has been from a highly technical and quantitative perspective, excluding lay stakeholders. In order to better include minority and/or marginalized communities into risk governance processes there is a need to better understand how these populations assess or perceive a variety of environmental risks and subsequently make decisions in relation to these risks. Addressing this gap in environmental regulation and policymaking is a major part of his research agenda. He is also researching green infrastructure and tree planting projects in minority and underserved communities, as well as heir land loss prevention.

Representation and Equity Affairs Program

Thursday October 6, 2022 | 12pm-1pm

The AAAR Adhoc Committee for Representation and Equity Affairs (R&EA) invites all conference attendees to join us for a discussion on eliminating racism in our organization and field. In April 2022, we hosted the AAAR Spring Equity Event online to initiate this discussion. We will: have a guest speaker, Dr. Andrew Geller, from EPA to discuss environmental justice and equity initiatives within EPA, provide an update on the activities of the R&EA committee, and open the floor for discussion.

Bio: Andrew Geller is ORD’s Executive Lead for Environmental Justice and Lead Research. Andrew was the primary author of EPA’s Environmental Justice Research Roadmap and incorporated EJ and multimedia assessment into the Sustainable and Healthy Research Program as Acting NPD, Deputy NPD, and Project Lead. His research includes the development of community and tribal decision support tools, the impacts of environmental exposures on older adults, and neurotoxicological assessments of the impacts of environmental exposures on visual development and function. Andrew received his undergraduate degree from the University of Pennsylvania and earned his Masters degree and PhD in Cognition and Perception Psychology at the University of Michigan. He did post-doctoral training in Neurotoxicology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Center for Environmental Medicine and Lung Biology and with EPA through a National Research Service Award from the NIEHS.

Hosted by R&EA Committee:
Lupita D. Montoya, Chair
Herek Clack
Arantza Fernandez-Eiguren
Andrea Ferro
Sean Garrick
Cesunica Ivey

ASCENT Meeting and Discussion

Thursday October 6, 2022 | 12pm-1pm

The Atmospheric Science and Chemistry mEasurement NeTwork (ASCENT) is a new comprehensive, high time-resolution, long-term monitoring network in the U.S. for characterization of aerosol chemical composition and physical properties. Leveraging existing networks, a total of 12 sites will be established across the country, including rural/remote/background, urban, and tribal sites. Each site will be equipped with a suite of advanced aerosol instrumentation for real-time measurements of fine aerosol chemical composition and properties: Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitor (ACSM, non-refractory aerosols), Xact (trace metals), Aethalometer (black/brown carbon), and Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS, aerosol number size distribution and concentration). A comprehensive publicly-accessible database will also be developed.

This meeting is intended as a wider forum to discuss future collaborative studies that leverage the ASCENT infrastructure to advance research in atmospheric science, climate, and air quality. All ideas and regions of study are welcome. If you would like to present a slide with a specific research idea at the meeting, please contact the ASCENT Steering Committee: Nga Lee Ng (, Ann Dillner (, Roya Bahreini (, and Ted Russell ( We look forward to seeing you at the meeting and discussing the wide range of new and exciting research capabilities that ASCENT will enable.

EPA Tour

Thursday October 6, 2022 | 12:00pm – 5:00pm

Two different EPA Tours are being organizing for AAAR. The two tours will run concurrently, so please only select one to attend:

  1. In Chapel Hill, EPA's Human Studies Facilities are centrally located on the campus of the University of North Carolina. At this location, EPA ORD's Center for Public Health and Environmental Assessment (CPHEA) conducts toxicological, clinical, ecological, epidemiological and citizen science studies to assess the impact of environmental exposures to chemicals and other stressors on healthy individuals, populations and ecosystems. This tour will highlight the unique air research capabilities of the facility - including the unique inhalation exposure facilities - as well as the leading-edge research conducted to help protect people and ecosystems most susceptible to the adverse effects of such exposures.
  2. In Research Triangle Park (RTP), EPA's campus features multiple buildings and laboratory spaces, housing 15 different EPA offices in the largest facility ever built by the agency. At this campus, covering nearly 1.2 million square feet, EPA's Office of Research and Development (ORD) scientists have space and unique instrumentation to conduct measurement, modeling, monitoring, toxicology, and other studies to better understand air quality and the impacts on human health and the environment. This tour will highlight various unique laboratories and research that help support regulations and protecting human health and the environment.

Each tour will be about 3 h. Bus transportation will be provided. Each bus will leave from the Raleigh Convention Center at 12:00pm so you have a chance to grab your box lunch. They will return to the Convention Center around 5:00pm.

These tours are free and open to all Conference Attendees. But you must register in advance to attend. You can sign-up to participate as part of your Conference Registration. There is a limited amount of space available. Please register early to secure a spot. The deadline to sign-up is Monday September 19, 2022.

Aerosol Science of Infectious Diseases Special Symposium Panel Discussions

Thursday October 6, 2022 | 6pm-8pm

Before and throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, experts from the AAAR community have been helping to lead the advancement in the aerosol science of infectious diseases and to develop and communicate best practices of airborne disease prevention. In conjunction with the platform and poster sessions of the special symposium, these two panel sessions offer the opportunity for a set of invited panelists to expand upon and discuss both lessons learned and the remaining gaps of knowledge. Discussion points will focus on COVID-19, but will be open more broadly to any topics relevant to aerosol-borne infectious disease transmission and mitigation.

All attendees are strongly encouraged to wear a high-quality mask.

Panel 1 – Lesson Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic about Infectious Disease Transmission and Mitigation
Dr. Alex Huffman, University of Denver
Dr. Kristen Coleman, University of Maryland School of Public Health

Dr. Chang-Yu Wu, University of Florida
Dr. Joshua Santarpia, University of Nebraska Medical Center
Dr. Katherine Ratliff, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Dr. Jennie Cox, NIOSH/U.S. Center for Disease Control and Protection

Panel 2 – Gaps Identified in the Aerosol Science of Infectious Disease Transmission and Prevention During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Dr. Shanna Ratnesar-Shumate, DHS/Noblis
Dr. Justin Taylor, Noblis

Dr. Linsey Marr, Virginia Tech University
Dr. William Lindsley, U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Dr. Jonathan Reid, University of Bristol
Dr. Donald Milton, University of Maryland School of Public Health


Conference Registration Fees
Early Bird
(Through July 31)
(August 1-31)
(September 1-conference)
Regular $659 $749 $842
Early Career $531 $602 $671
Student $235 $235 $326
Retiree $235 $235 $326

Registration via the website portal will close on Sunday Sept. 25th, but you will still have the chance to Register in-person at the AAAR Registration Desk in the Raleigh Convention Center starting on Sunday October 2nd.