AAAR 40th Annual Conference

Fine Particle Arts Competition

The 5th Annual Fine Particle Arts Competition will be held at the 40th Annual AAAR Conference. This is your chance to showcase your creative side and help educate the world about aerosols!

  • Submit an entry of your most beautiful, interesting, or artistic-looking particle(s) or other images of aerosols or research equipment. There are two submission categories – images at the sub-micrometer or larger scale.
  • Create an engaging and educational video to explain aerosol science to a wider audience. Submitted videos will be screened by the Education Committee and the top 5 entries will be featured at the Conference.  For more information on the rules and selection process see below.

Art prizes for each category: First prize $200, Second prize $100, Third prize $50

Video prize: First prize $1000 (+ partnership with professional video editors to improve video, valued at $5000), Second prize $800, Third prize $500

To enter the Art or Video Competition, log into the Abstract Submission Site at After logging in, click on the Submit button that appears in the Navigation bar.

  • For the Art Competition, electronically submit a high resolution image as a PDF file with a title, list of contributing artists and their affiliations, and a 140 character description for Twitter.
  • For the Video Competition, please upload your video to YouTube. On the submission site, please provide a video title, list of contributing artists and affiliations, a 140 character description for Twitter, and the YouTube link.

Art entries will be displayed near the posters and the top videos will be available to view during the Conference at the AAAR Membership Booth. Each Attendee will receive a ballot in their Welcome Packet. A democratic vote will determine the winners of the cash prizes. Winners will be announced during Friday’s Plenary Session.

Submissions should be the original work of the author(s). Submission indicates permission for your picture or video to be displayed at the Conference, on the AAAR website/Conference website or related literature, including the Particulars e-Newsletter or Twitter.

To participate, at least one of the artists is required to be a registered attendee at the conference. Note that you must bring a hard copy of your art to display at the Conference. The deadline to enter the Competition is September 12, 2022.

If you have any questions, please contact the respective coordinators of the competitions:


Rules for the Video Competition:

  • Submissions are due September 12, 2022 11:59PM (ET)
  • Entries can be from an individual or a group as long as at least one member of the team is registered to attend AAAR.
  • Videos must be produced in the last 12 months prior to AAAR 2022 Fall Meeting.
  • Submissions must be 3 min or less.
  • Submissions should not contain any copyright information as winning videos will be freely available to the public via AAAR's website and/or YouTube. It is the responsibility of the participant to ensure that there is not copyrighted material used in the videos.
  • Videos should be relevant to either topics covered during the sessions of AAAR (e.g. atmospheric chemistry and physics, instrumentation, bioaerosols etc.) or broader topics such as air pollution, human health and climate change. Please reach out to the Online Education Committee if you have questions about appropriateness of your chosen topic.
  • To submit your video, upload your video to YouTube, and then provide the link to your video at: After logging in, click the “Submit Aerosol Video” link in the Navigation panel.


Information on the Video Competition selection process and prize information:

  • The Online Education Committee will choose up to 5 videos from the submissions as finalists for the competition during AAAR. These videos will be chosen based on the following criteria
    • Relevance: Does your video grapple with core AAAR content?
    • Accessibility: Is your video content easy to understand / thought-provoking?
    • Engagement: Is your video fun to watch?
  • Finalist videos will be displayed at the AAAR Membership Booth.Each attendee will be allowed to vote on one video and the videos with the most votes will be awarded first place. The winning video will be announced at the Conference.
  • Prizes will be awarded as follows:
    • First place $1000 plus a partnership with a professional video editor to improve the video, valued at $5000. Note improved or new videos created with this prize cannot be used in subsequent AAAR Fine Arts Competitions. Second place is $800. Third place is $500
Conference Registration Fees
Early Bird
(Through July 31)
(August 1-31)
(September 1-conference)
Regular $659 $749 $842
Early Career $531 $602 $671
Student $235 $235 $326
Retiree $235 $235 $326

Registration via the website portal will close on Sunday Sept. 25th, but you will still have the chance to Register in-person at the AAAR Registration Desk in the Raleigh Convention Center starting on Sunday October 2nd.