AAAR 40th Annual Conference

Meet the Job Seekers

This Poster Session is for Job Seekers to present their background and expertise to potential employers across academia, government, and industry. Current Graduate Students (graduating this year or next year), Postdoctoral Researchers, and Research Scientists who are seeking jobs related to aerosol science in the near future are welcome to submit an abstract to this Poster Session.

This Poster Session is listed as a topical area. The abstract submission process for this Poster Session is the same as regular technical abstracts. You can submit to this Poster Session and other regular technical sessions (i.e., submitting an abstract to this session will not interfere with your opportunity to submit to other regular technical sessions.)

The abstract should include a short description of your past and current research interests (focusing on science), anticipated availability, job type(s) of interest, and geographical preferences for jobs, if any. Please use this format for the abstract title: “Name, Current Position/degree and desired position/area”. Abstract word limit = 300 words.

The Meet the Job Seekers Poster Session will take place at the same time as the AAAR Welcome Reception on Tuesday evening in the Exhibit Hall.  The poster should provide an overview of your background and highlight the scope of your research expertise. There is no specific format for the poster, but it shall include:

  • For easy identification by potential employers, include the following information inside a box on the top right-hand corner of the poster: a) Job type(s) of interest (e.g., postdoc, faculty position, government, and industry), b) Anticipated availability (e.g., graduation date, contract expiration date), c) Geographical preference for jobs, if any, and d) Current contact information.

  • The main content of the poster should focus on an overview of your past and current research projects, and your research expertise. A smaller section of the poster can include a list of publications, and if it is appropriate for the type of job you are seeking and if you feel comfortable, future research directions. You may also want to briefly discuss your educational background and employment history.

  • You can bring copies of CV to give out during the Poster Session. You can include publications etc. on the CV, which would free up poster space to focus on research projects and findings.

If you are interested in submitting an abstract to this poster session, please contact AAAR Abstracts Support to obtain full directions.

Conference Registration Fees
Early Bird
(Through July 31)
(August 1-31)
(September 1-conference)
Regular $659 $749 $842
Early Career $531 $602 $671
Student $235 $235 $326
Retiree $235 $235 $326

Registration via the website portal will close on Sunday Sept. 25th, but you will still have the chance to Register in-person at the AAAR Registration Desk in the Raleigh Convention Center starting on Sunday October 2nd.