AS&T Outstanding Publication Award
AS&T's Outstanding Publication Award is awarded annually to one paper published in Aerosol Science and Technology (AS&T) without regard to publication date. The award recognizes papers that have had a significant impact on the field. Nominations should include a single letter and a citation of approximately 100 words. The letter is limited to three pages and may be signed by more than one person. The citation is a succinct summary of the significance of the paper, suitable for dissemination with the award announcement. Self-nominations are not permitted.
AS&T's Editor-in-Chief presents the AS&T Outstanding Publication Award at the annual AAAR meeting. It consists of a certificate for each co-author, one plaque to be used at the discretion of the co-authors, and monetary award of $2000.In addition, it is announced in AS&T along with the rationale for its choice.
AS&T Publications recognized by this award: