Our books:
- History & Reviews of Aerosol Science
- History of Aerosol Science
- Aerosol Science and Technology: History and Reviews
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Two books on history and reviews of aerosol science are now available from the AAAR home office.
In the prologue of the earlier one, published in 2000, Othmar Preining states, “The early scientists whom the aerosol community now credits with creating their discipline did not consider themselves aerosol scientists. What were their educational backgrounds, their world views, their lives? How did these develop? We should investigate science history to learn about our roots and to get guidance for the future.” In his epilogue, he continues, “More so than many other fields, aerosol science is a pioneer science. The input from different disciplines is needed and teamwork is essential for even modest success.”
These two books of aerosol history are essential reading for those aerosol scientists and technologists who want to learn about the roots of our science and look toward an exciting and thriving future. An added bonus is that these books are fun to read!