Aerosol Science and Technology: Visualizing Science

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Headline Infographics
Condensed, graphical representations of research conclusions.
The hygroscopicity of nano-plastic particles and implications for cloud formation and climate
Chun-Ning Mao, Kanishk Gohil, Dewansh Rastogi, Akua Asa-Awuku (2024)
Is double masking even worthwhile?
Peter H. Chea, Buddhi Pushpawela, Ryan X. Ward, Richard C. Flagan (2024)
Recent advances in experimental techniques for investigating aerosol surface tension
Alison Bain (2024)
Field observations of aerosol particles in aircraft takeoff and taxiing plumes: A case study at Kobe Airport, Japan
Nobuyuki Takegawa (2023)
Microfluidic platform for coupled studies of freezing behavior and final effloresced particle morphology in Snomax® containing aqueous droplets
Nobuyuki Takegawa (2023)
Constraining the complex refractive index of black carbon particles using the complex forward-scattering amplitude
Nobuhiro Moteki, Sho Ohata, Atsushi Yoshida & Kouji Adachi (2023)
Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in the workplace: Key findings from a rapid review of the literature
Jennie Cox, Brian Christensen, Nancy Burton, Kevin H. Dunn, Mikaela Finnegan, Ana Ruess & Cherie Estill (2023)
Effects of the VACES particle concentrator on secondary organic aerosol and ambient particle composition
L. M. Wingen, D. A. Herman, A. Keebaugh, G. Montoya, S. R. Renusch, B. J. Finlayson-Pitts, M. T. Kleinman (2022)
Computational and experimental study of aerosol dispersion in a ventilated room
George H. Downing, Yannis Hardalupas, Justice Archer, Henry E. Symons, Ulas Baran Baloglu, Daniel Schien, Bryan R. Bzdek, Jonathan P. Reid (2022)
Long-term filter efficiency of mobile air purifiers in school
Manuel Granzin, Sarah Richter, Jann Schrod, Natalie Schubert & Joachim Curtius (2022)
Turbulence impacts upon nvPM primary particle size
Randy Vander Wal, Madhu Singh, Akshay Gharpure, Cindy Choi, Prem Lobo & Greg Smallwood (2022)
Research Infographics
Visual summaries of a full research article, communicating background, methods, and key findings at a glance.
Fundamentals of low-cost aerosol sensor design and operation
James Ouimette, W. Patrick Arnott, Philip Laven, Richard Whitwell, Nagarajan Radhakrishnan, Suresh Dhaniyala, Michael Sandink, Jessica Tryner & John Volckens (2024)
Effects of volatility, viscosity, and non-ideality on particle–particle mixing timescales of secondary organic aerosols
Meredith Schervish, Neil M Donahue & Manabu Shiraiwa (2023)
Machine learning predicts bioaerosol trajectories in enclosed environments: Introducing a novel method
Zhijian Liu, Jiaqi Chu, Zhenzhe Huang, Haochuan Li, Xia Xiao, Junzhou He, Weijie Yang, Xuqiang Shao & Haiyang Liu (2023)
Reactive nitrogen and total organic carbon calibration techniques for the Aerodyne aerosol mass spectrometer
Derek J. Price, Alison M. Piasecki, Rishabh U. Shah, Katherine L. Hayden, James B. Burkholder, James M. Roberts & Ann M. Middlebrook (2023)
Compact aerosol aggregate model (CA2M): A fast tool to estimate the aerosol properties of fractal-like aggregates
Cyprien Jourdain, Jonathan P. R. Symonds & Adam M. Boies (2023)
Light absorption and scattering properties of indole secondary organic aerosol prepared under various oxidant and relative humidity conditions
Vahe J. Baboomian, Quanfu He, Julia Montoya-Aguilera, Nabila Ali, Lauren T. Fleming, Peng Lin, Alexander Laskin, Julia Laskin, Yinon Rudich & Sergey A. Nizkorodov (2023)
Small and large particle limits of the asymmetry parameter for homogeneous, spherical particles
Kurt Ehlers & Hans Moosmüller (2023)
In silico investigation of the effect of particle diameter on deposition uniformity in pulmonary drug delivery
Hyunhong J. Min, Eleanor P. Stride & Stephen J. Payne (2023)
The use of transmission electron microscopy with scanning mobility particle size spectrometry for an enhanced understanding of the physical characteristics of aerosol particles generated with a flow tube reactor
Emma C. Tackman, Devon N. Higgins, Devan E. Kerecman, Emily-Jean E. Ott, Murray V. Johnston & Miriam Arak Freedman (2023)
The filtration efficiency of surgical masks for expiratory aerosol and droplets generated by vocal exercises
Alicja Szczepanska, Joshua Harrison, Brian Saccente-Kennedy, Justice Archer, Natalie A. Watson, Christopher M. Orton, William J. Browne, Ruth Epstein, James D. Calder, Pallav L. Shah, Declan Costello, Bryan R. Bzdek, Jonathan P. Reid (2023)
Molecular composition and gas-particle partitioning of indoor cooking aerosol: Insights from a FIGAERO-CIMS and kinetic aerosol modeling
Catherine G. Masoud, Ying Li, Dongyu S. Wang, Erin F. Katz, Peter F. DeCarlo, Delphine K. Farmer, Marina E. Vance, Manabu Shiraiwa & Lea Hildebrandt Ruiz (2022)
Estimating mass-absorption cross-section of ambient black carbon aerosols: Theoretical, empirical, and machine learning models
Hanyang Li & Andrew A. May (2022)
Particle volatility, size distribution and PAH/alkyl-PAH profiles during toluene pyrolysis in a flow reactor
Pengcheng Zhao, Tie Li, Ang Li, Yongzhi Ma, Mingming Fang & Xinling Li (2022)
Solvent effects on chemical composition and optical properties of extracted secondary brown carbon constituents
Kunpen Chen, Nilofar Raeofy, Michael Lum, Raphael Mayorga, Megan Woods, Roya Bahreini, Haofei Zhang & Ying-Hsuan Lin (2022)
Measuring size distributions of atmospheric aerosols using natural air ions
Yiran Li, Xiaotong Chen & Jingkun Jiang (2022)
Comparison of the survival of different isolates of SARS-CoV-2 in evaporating aerosols
P. A. Dabisch, S. P. Wood, B. P. Holland, J. A. Boydston, K. E. Beck, B. Green, J. Biryukov (2022)
Video Highlights
Short videos summarizing an article’s key research findings for a lay audience.
Air change rate and SARS-CoV-2 exposure in hospitals and residences: A meta-analysis
Yuetong Zhang, Sripriya Nannu Shankar, William B. Vass, John A. Lednicky, Z. Hugh Fan, Duzgun Agdas, Robert Makuch, Chang-Yu Wu
Comparing respiratory aerosol emissions between children and adults during sustained phonation
Mahender Singh Rawat, Mehtap Agirsoy, Dinushani Senarathna, Byron D. Erath, Tanvir Ahmed, Sumona Mondal, and Andrea R. Ferro (2023)