Conference Committee

Conference Committee

Athanasios Nenes, 2014 Conference Chair

Andrea Ferro, 2015 Conference Chair

Mark Swihart, 2016 Conference Chair

Jay Turner, Development Committee Chair

Brian Osmondson, Exhibits Chair

Chris Sorensen, Tutorial Chair

Chris Hogan, Young Investigators’ Committee Chair

Donald Dabdub, Abstracts


Technical Program Committee

Lea Hildebrandt Ruiz, Aerosol Chemistry

Rajan Chakrabarty, Aerosol Physics

Paul Solomon, Atmospheric Aerosols

Alex Huffman, Bioaerosols

Matti Maricq, Combustion and Material Synthesis

Antonio Miguel, Control Technology

Patrick O’Shaughnessy, Health Related Aerosols

David Ensor, History of Aerosol Science

Tiina Reponen, Indoor Aerosols and Aerosol Exposure

Brent Williams, Instrumentation


AAAR Staff

Melissa Baldwin, Executive Director

Alicea Coccellato, Administrative Assistant

Ann Mitchell, Meeting/Exhibits Manager

Caroline Olson, Meeting/Registration Coordinator