Tutorials are Pre-Conference Sessions. There is an additional fee for each tutorial.
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Tutorials are held on Monday, September 30, 2013.
First Session |
8:00-9:40 AM |
Speaker |
Introduction to Aerosols 1: Dynamics of a Single Particle |
Richard C. Flagan |
Principles of Bioaerosol Sampling and Analysis |
Gediminas Mainelis |
The Physics of Fractal Aggregates and Non-spherical Particles |
Chris Sorensen |
Organic Aerosols Volatility and Chemistry: Experimental and Modeling Applications |
Neil Donahue |
Second Session |
10:00-11:40 AM |
Speaker |
Hands-on Aerosol Instrumentation Design and Measurement |
Fred J. Brechtel |
Heterogeneous and Aqueous Chemistry of Aerosols |
V. Faye McNeill |
Chemical Transport Modeling of Aerosols |
Peter J. Adams |
Aerosol Exposure Assessment: Principles and Techniques |
John Volckens |
Third Session |
1:00-2:40 PM |
Speaker |
Introduction to Aerosols 2: Collective Behavior of Aerosols |
Richard C. Flagan |
Black Carbon in the Climate System |
Tami Bond |
Secondary Aerosol Formation |
Paul Ziemann |
Molecular Biology-based Bioaerosol Analyses |
Jordan Peccia |
Fourth Session |
3:00-4:40 PM |
Speaker |
Atmospheric Nanoparticles: Measurements and Observations |
Jim Smith |
Thermodynamics of Aerosols and Droplets |
Athanasios Nenes |
Transmission Electron Microscopy of Aerosol Particles |
Peter Buseck |
Multivariate Factor Analysis of Aerosol Mass Spectrometry |
Qi Zhang |
Tutorial 1
Introduction to Aerosols 1: Dynamics of a Single Particle
Richard C. Flagan, Department of Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA
Abstract: This tutorial is the first of two (Tutorials 1 and 9) that cover the broad field of aerosol science at an introductory level. This first tutorial will focus on the dynamics of a single aerosol particle, providing the tools and terminology to understand aerosol particle behavior in the environment and in aerosol instruments. We will discuss the drag on an aerosol particle and how it affects the behavior of aerosol particles in flow, and under the action of external forces such as gravity and electrostatics. Stokes drag, non-continuum effects on particles that are small compared to the mean-free-path, and non-Stokesian effects on large particles will be examined. We will examine inertial behavior of aerosol particles and electrical migration and discuss how these effects are used to characterize particles and examine the relationship between what is actually measured and common descriptions such as aerodynamic and mobility equivalent particle diameters size. We will also examine condensation and evaporation processes, including non-continuum effects, as well as the influence of surface tension on particle activation and condensational growth rates.
Richard C. Flagan is the McCollum/Corcoran Professor and Executive Officer for Chemical Engineering at the California Institute of Technology where he teaches chemical engineering and environmental science. He has served as president of AAAR and editor-in-chief of Aerosol Science and Technology. His research spans the field of aerosol science, including atmospheric aerosols, aerosol instrumentation, aerosol synthesis of nanoparticles and other materials, and bioaerosols. His many contributions to the field of aerosol science have been acknowledged with the Sinclair Award of the AAAR and the Fuchs Award.
Principles of Bioaerosol Sampling and Analysis
Gediminas Mainelis, Department of Environmental Sciences, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ
Abstract: Bioaerosols include viruses, bacteria, fungi, pollen and their products. Size of biological particles can range from nanoscale to micron size. Bioaerosols are produced naturally as a byproduct of human various activities, or they can be released intentionally. Sampling and detection of bioaerosols are important for environmental and indoor studies, exposure assessment, manufacturing quality control and protection of population from intentionally released agents. Physical principles that are applied to collect non-biological aerosol particles can also be used to collect bioaerosols. However, analysis of collected biological particles requires that their properties, such as viability, morphology, DNA structure, etc., be preserved during and after sampling which often requires compromises in sampling efficiency. Thus, when sampling is performed to identify and quantify airborne biological particles not only sampling efficiency, but also sample volume, concentration rate and accuracy of detection are important parameters. This tutorial will review the traditional and modern techniques for bioaerosol sampling and analysis. Advantages and disadvantages of various methods for sampling and detection as well as their applications will be discussed.
Gediminas “Gedi” Mainelis is an associate professor of environmental sciences at Rutgers University in NJ. He received his doctoral degree from the University of Cincinnati, Department of Environmental Health. His current research focuses on the development and validation of bioaerosol sampling and analysis methods, exposure assessment of biological and non-biological particles in various environments, role of bioaerosols in the atmosphere, and exposure and health effects of nanoparticles.
The Physics of Fractal Aggregates and Non-spherical Particles
Chris Sorensen, Department of Physics, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS
Abstract: This tutorial will give a comprehensive survey of the physics of fractal aggregates to include the kinetics of how they form, a thorough description of their morphology, how they scatter and absorb light, their mobility in gases and liquids, and the nature of some of their bulk properties. Dr. Sorensen will also spend some time discussing recent advances in how non-spherical particles scatter light. His intent is to give the student a broad and solid working knowledge of these subjects.
Chris Sorensen is the Cortelyou-Rust University Distinguished Professor at Kansas State University in the department of physics where he enjoys both teaching and research. He is a Fellow of the AAAR, a Sinclair awardee and past president. In 2007 he was named the Carnegie/CASE National Professor of the Year for doctoral universities. He has studied fractal aggregates and light scattering in a great variety of ways for over 30 years.
Organic Aerosols Volatility and Chemistry: Experimental and Modeling Applications
Neil M. Donahue, Center for Atmospheric Particle Studies, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Abstract: Organic aerosols consist of a complex mixture of organic compounds with a very wide range of volatilities. The organic volatility basis set (VBS) provides a regular framework for Pankow organic partitioning theory. By describing organic mixtures with volatility ranging over many orders of magnitude (with logarithmically separated volatility bins), it permits concise yet accurate predictions of semi-volatile partitioning over the full range of conditions relevant to organic aerosols, from highly-concentrated exhaust plumes to the most dilute conditions of the remote troposphere. In this workshop we shall develop the basic formalism of partitioning under the volatility basis set and then proceed to consider a series of relevant example cases. These include `traditional' secondary organic aerosol formation experiments (including temperature effects), emissions characterization via dilution sampling, parcel mixing, and finally gas- and condensed-phase chemistry. We shall discuss the relationships among various partitioning treatments (i.e., the VBS, Odum `2-product' models, explicit mechanisms, etc.) as well as various mechanisms treating photochemical aging of organic aerosol. Recently, various two-dimensional spaces have been used for both data interpretation and prognostic modeling of organic aerosol behavior. We shall discuss these and their various uses.
Neil Donahue is the director of the Center for Atmospheric Particle Studies at Carnegie Mellon University. He is a professor of chemistry, chemical engineering, and engineering and public policy with broad research interests relating to all aspects of organic compounds in the atmosphere. In more than 140 peer-reviewed publications he has addressed questions ranging from non-methane hydrocarbon modeling and measurement in the remote marine atmosphere to laboratory kinetics of condensed-phase organic compounds. Professor Donahue has been at Carnegie Mellon since 2000. He received an AB in physics from Brown University and a PhD in meteorology from MIT before pursuing postdoctoral work in physical chemistry at Harvard University.
Hands-on Aerosol Instrumentation Design and Measurement
Moderated by Fred J. Brechtel, Brechtel Manufacturing Inc., Hayward, CA
Abstract: This tutorial will enable participants to get an "under-the-hood" look at a broad spectrum of currently available aerosol instruments. Whether you are an experimentalist, modeler, or both, this is an opportunity to learn how fundamental aerosol scientific principles are used in actual aerosol measurement technologies. Key capabilities, as well as limitations, of each technique will be described in order to instill a better appreciation for what different instruments can, and cannot, do. Various aerosol instrumentation suppliers will present the design, concepts, and engineering choices that led to the successful development of different aerosol instrumentation. The tutorial is not a "marketing and sales opportunity" for participating vendors; this is an educational session with an emphasis entirely on technology and the key physical concepts employed by the instrumentation. A primary goal is that by the end of the tutorial participants no longer consider instrumentation a "black-box" but rather have some understanding of the principles and design considerations that went into the development of the various instruments. A secondary goal is that participants will use the information presented on measurement uncertainties and limitations to better avoid over-interpreting measurement results.
Instruments and companies participating:
- Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitor (ACSM) - Aerodyne Research Inc.
- Micro Aeth - Aeth Labs
- UAV miniaturized instruments - Brechtel Manufacturing Inc.
- Centrifugal Particle Mass Analyzer (CPMA) - Cambustion Ltd.
- Wideband Integrated Bioaerosol Sensor (WIBS 4) - Droplet Measurement Technologies
- Aethalometer AE-33 - Magee Scientific
- Model 120 MOUDI II - MSP
- Portable Aerosol Mobility Spectrometer (PAMS) - Particle Instruments / Kanomax
- Electrical Low Pressure Impactor (ELPI) - Particle Instruments / Dekati
- Semi-continuous EC/OC monitor - Sunset Laboratory
- Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS) - TSI Inc.
- Ambient Ion Monitor - URG
*Subject to change
Heterogeneous and Aqueous Chemistry of Aerosols
V. Faye McNeill, Department of Chemical Engineering, Columbia University,
New York, NY
Abstract: The reactive uptake of gas-phase species by atmospheric aerosol particles influences both gas- and particle-phase chemical composition. The theoretical treatment of heterogeneous and multiphase aerosol chemical reactions will be presented. Topics to be covered include mass accommodation, Langmuir-Hinshelwood kinetics, multi-layer models, and reactions coupled with diffusion in the gas and particle phases. We will discuss atmospherically important classes of reactions including: the heterogeneous oxidation of aerosol organics, N2O5 uptake, halogen activation reactions, and aqueous-phase SOA formation. Finally, we will discuss approaches for characterizing these processes in a laboratory setting and in the ambient atmosphere.
V. Faye McNeill is an associate professor (untenured) in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Columbia University. She received a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from the California Institute of Technology, and master’s and doctoral degrees in chemical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She conducted postdoctoral research at the University of Washington in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences. She has received the NSF CAREER award and the ACS Petroleum Research Fund Doctoral New Investigator Award. Her research interests include aerosol heterogeneous chemistry and the sources and properties of aerosol organics.
Chemical Transport Modeling of Aerosols
Peter J. Adams, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the Department of Engineering and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Abstract: Chemical transport models (CTMs) are numerical simulations representing the interplay of emissions, chemistry, transport, microphysics, and deposition that determine the behavior of atmospheric aerosols. As research tools, they play several important roles: assessing the significance of newly discovered or hypothesized processes in an atmospheric context, testing our knowledge of aerosol behavior against ambient observations, and predicting the impacts of policy decisions. Conceptually, they are simple mass and population balances. Complexity arises from several factors: the chemical and physical interactions of many dozen species; transport across a three-dimensional grid representing an urban airshed, a geographic region or even the entire globe; and the numerical approximations required to solve the resulting equations efficiently. This tutorial will provide an overview of the essential components of CTMs, surveying the major algorithms for representing aerosol emissions, chemistry, microphysics, phase partitioning, transport, and deposition. Special focus will be paid to numerical algorithms for representing aerosol size distributions and their evolution via the microphysical processes of condensation, coagulation, and nucleation.
Peter J. Adams is a professor at Carnegie Mellon University with a joint appointment between the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the Department of Engineering and Public Policy. He earned his bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from Cornell University, followed by a master’s and then PhD in chemical engineering at the California Institute of Technology. His research interests include aerosol-climate interactions, global and regional aerosol modeling and the development of aerosol microphysical simulations in climate models. Dr. Adams received the Sheldon K. Friedlander Award in 2004 from AAAR.
Aerosol Exposure Assessment: Principles and Techniques
John Volckens, Environmental and Radiological Health Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
Abstract: This tutorial covers concepts and tools relevant to assessing human exposure to aerosol hazards. The course is intended for individuals with a basic, but limited, understanding of environmental and occupational health. The course begins with an overview of the theory of exposure assessment and exposure statistics (for non-statisticians), followed by a discussion of strategies, measurement techniques, and pitfalls associated with estimating human intake of airborne particles. Specific topics will include aspects of study design, personal and area monitoring, time-integrated vs. real-time monitoring, size-selective sampling, analytical techniques, data analyses, and strategies for working with human subjects. The course will conclude with an overview of more advanced techniques, such as geo-referencing, land-use regression modeling, spatiotemporal exposure monitoring, and other emerging research in the field.
Dr. John Volckens is an associate professor and associate department head of Environmental and Radiological Health Sciences at Colorado State University. His research interests involve human exposure to airborne particles, aerosol measurement, and air pollution-related disease. He received a PhD from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and then went on to Postdoc at the U.S. EPA's National Exposure Research Laboratory in Research Triangle Park, NC. Dr. Volckens is the recipient of the AIHA Journal's 'Best Paper' award in 1999, has served two terms as chair of AIHA's Aerosol Technology Committee, and is the former president of the Board of Directors for the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene. He has over 15 years of experience and has published over 40 manuscripts related to exposure science and air pollution.
Introduction to Aerosols 2: Collective Behavior of Aerosols
Richard C. Flagan, Department of Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA
Abstract: This tutorial continues the basic introduction to aerosol science. We will examine aerosol sampling, introducing the concept of isokinetic sampling and exploring the conditions under which it is needed, and the biases that may result from non-isokinetic sampling. We will discuss Brownian motion and diffusion, as well as turbulent deposition, and discuss how these processes affect particle losses in tube flow, deposition of particles within the respiratory tract, and filter performance. We will then discuss the representation of aerosol populations as size distributions, their graphical representation, and model distributions such as the log normal-distribution. We will explore the evolution of particle size distributions by nucleation, condensation and other gas to particle conversion processes, and coagulation, and discuss how these processes are modeled.
Richard C. Flagan is the McCollum/Corcoran Professor and Executive Officer for Chemical Engineering at the California Institute of Technology where he teaches chemical engineering and environmental science. He has served as president of AAAR and editor-in-chief of Aerosol Science and Technology. His research spans the field of aerosol science, including atmospheric aerosols, aerosol instrumentation, aerosol synthesis of nanoparticles and other materials, and bioaerosols. His many contributions to the field of aerosol science have been acknowledged with the Sinclair Award of the AAAR and the Fuchs Award.
Black Carbon in the Climate System
Tami Bond, Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Atmospheric Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign , Urbana, IL
Abstract: Black carbon aerosol is produced in flames, stays in the atmosphere for a few days, and warms the earth during its time in the atmosphere. There have been high-level policy calls for slowing climate warming by reducing black carbon emissions. Global models are used to connect potential mitigation actions with the effect on the climate system, and these models need information on emissions, aerosol properties, and aerosol processes. This tutorial will review what's known about global models of black carbon, as well as pointing to knowledge gaps where more research could help to reduce uncertainties. We will also discuss the notion of connecting total source emissions or mitigation actions with modeled climate impact, including considerations of short, medium and long atmospheric lifetimes.
Tami Bond is associate professor of civil and environmental engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, with a joint appointment in atmospheric science. Her research focuses on linking decisions about energy consumption with air quality and climate to provide policy-relevant science. This work occurs through aerosol characterization, emission characterization, and modeling of past and future emissions. Dr. Bond's PhD from the University of Washington combined atmospheric science, civil engineering and mechanical engineering. Previous degrees were on the combustion and fluids side of mechanical engineering at Berkeley and Washington.
Secondary Aerosol Formation
Paul J. Ziemann, Air Pollution Research Center and Department of Environmental Sciences, University of California, Riverside, CA
Abstract: Secondary aerosol is an important component of atmospheric fine particles that generally consists of organics, sulfates, and nitrates. The processes that lead to the formation of this material are often complex and can involve gas and particle phase chemistry, nucleation, and gas-particle partitioning. In this course Dr. Ziemann will discuss the major chemical reactions and partitioning processes involved in the formation of secondary organic and inorganic aerosol (with a strong emphasis on organic aerosol) using examples from laboratory and field studies.
Paul Ziemann is a professor of atmospheric chemistry at the University of California, Riverside. He received a doctorate in chemistry from Penn State University and was a postdoctoral researcher in the Particle Technology Laboratory at the University of Minnesota.
Molecular Biology-based Bioaerosol Analyses
Jordan Peccia, Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Yale University, New Haven, CT
Abstract: This tutorial covers molecular biology concepts and tools that are relevant for the analysis of airborne biological material. The course begins with a targeted introduction to genetics, phylogenetics, and bioinformatics for aerosol scientists that have a limited background in biology. Next, molecular biology-based methods that are useful for the quantification, identification, and population characterization of bacteria, fungi, and viruses in aerosols will be presented along with examples. These methods include polymerase chain reaction (PCR), quantitative PCR, immunoassays and proteomics, and next generation DNA sequencing to produce phylogenetic libraries. The course will conclude with an overview of sampling strategies that can be integrated with molecular biology-based analysis, and information on the quantitativeness of the above methods.
Jordan Peccia is an associate professor of chemical and environmental engineering and the environmental engineering director of undergraduate studies at Yale University. His research group integrates molecular biotechnology with process engineering to address environmental problems. Dr. Peccia has over 15 years of experience in applying molecular biology to assess the diversity of, and the exposure to airborne bacteria, fungi and viruses in the atmosphere and in indoor environments. He earned his PhD in environmental engineering from the University of Colorado.
Atmospheric Nanoparticles: Measurements and Observations
Jim Smith, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO
Abstract: This tutorial will provide an overview of the latest measurement techniques used in the study of sub-50 nm diameter atmospheric aerosol, aka “nanoparticles,” as well as a summary of the most recent observations of the physico-chemical properties of ambient and laboratory-generated nanoparticles. We will explore techniques for detecting and identifying the composition of neutral and charged aerosol as small as 1 nm in diameter, utilizing principles of condensational growth, charged particle and ion mobility, and mass spectrometry. We will also discuss nanoparticle generation methods that have facilitated improvements in instrumentation. With this understanding of the instruments employed in nanoparticle research, we will survey observations from recent laboratory and field studies. These studies seek answers to such questions as “What are the mechanisms and species responsible for the formation of new particles in the atmosphere?” and “What are the effects of new particle formation on human health and climate?”
Jim Smith is a scientist in the Atmospheric Chemistry Division at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). He received his PhD in environmental science and engineering at the California Institute of Technology and currently is head of the Ultrafine Aerosols Research Group at NCAR. His research interests focus on performing laboratory and field measurements in order to understand and quantify the mechanisms of atmospheric nanoparticle formation and growth. He is the developer of the Thermal Desorption Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometer (TDCIMS), an instrument that can measure the molecular composition of 10 to 50 nm diameter atmospheric aerosol at ambient concentrations.
Thermodynamics of Aerosols and Droplets
Athanasios Nenes, Schools of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences and Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
Abstract: The equilibrium thermodynamic properties of the mixture of acids, salts, and organic compounds present in the atmosphere largely control gas/aerosol equilibrium and the water uptake of soluble aerosol components in response to temperature and relative humidity changes. This course will cover the following fundamentals: the water uptake of different soluble components of aerosols, including organic compounds; the precipitation of solid phases and metastable equilibria; the Phase Rule; Henry’s law; activity coefficients and deviations from ideal solution behavior; the Kelvin effect; the role of surfactants. We will also discuss the application of thermodynamic principles used to describe the formation of cloud droplets (via absorption and adsorption of water vapor), and present semi-empirical frameworks used for describing the cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) properties of atmospheric aerosol.
Athanasios Nenes is a professor and Georgia Power Faculty Scholar in the Schools of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences and Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He received a diploma in chemical engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (Greece), a master’s degree in atmospheric chemistry from the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences and a doctorate in chemical engineering from the California Institute of Technology. He is the developer of the ISORROPIA aerosol thermodynamic model and co-inventor of the Continuous Flow Streamwise Thermal Gradient CCN Chamber. He has received the Friedlander and Whitby Awards of the AAAR, the Henry G. Houghton Award of the AMS and the Ascent Award of the Atmospheric Section of the AGU.
Transmission Electron Microscopy of Aerosol Particles
Peter R. Buseck, School of Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona State University,
Tempe, AZ
Abstract: Aerosol particles in the atmosphere play a major role in climate, air quality, and human health. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) can provide the detailed structural, morphological, and compositional information on individual particles necessary to understanding the nano- to micrometer-scale processes of oxidation, condensation, coagulation, hygroscopic growth, and deliquescence that occur on their surfaces or within the particles. The various TEM modes used for studying aerosol particles will be presented together with implications drawn from such measurements. Following a brief introduction of principles, the discussion will move to the imaging for particle details including morphology and intergrowths, electron diffraction for particle structure and speciation, and chemical analysis, including X-ray spectroscopy and high-resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS), for composition. More specialized techniques such an electron tomography for the 3D determination of particle shapes and the use of environmental microscopy at controlled temperatures and relative humidities to study particle hygroscopicity and deliquescence will be presented.
Peter Buseck is a regents’ professor at Arizona State University in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and in the School of Earth and Space Exploration. In addition to atmospheric chemistry and particle study, his research areas include the high-resolution transmission electron microscopy of minerals and their defects and study of the mineralogy and geochemistry of primitive meteorites and information they provide about the early solar system.
Multivariate Factor Analysis of Aerosol Mass Spectrometry
Qi Zhang, Department of Environmental Toxicology, University of California at Davis, Davis, CA
Abstract: Multivariate analysis tools are broadly utilized in aerosol research. In recent years, multivariate factor analysis has been applied with increasing frequency to field measurement data from aerosol mass spectrometers. A main goal of such analysis is to represent measured data with a limited number of physically meaningful factors that describe underlying sources and processes controlling the variability of the original data. In this tutorial, we will first review the fundamentals, aims, and background of different forms of multivariate analysis. The tutorial will then focus on the applications of multivariate analysis techniques, especially positive matrix factorization (PMF), to field observations made with aerosol mass spectrometers. Aspects such as preparation of data matrices, the criteria for selecting the optimum PMF solutions, interpretation of the factors, and evaluation of solution uncertainties will be discussed. In addition, advanced methods such as a-priori constraints on factor mass spectra, the incorporation of independent information, and the application of three-dimensional factorization models will also be discussed. Finally, examples will be given on integrated analysis of worldwide aerosol mass spectrometry observations for a holistic regional and global description of organic aerosols.
Qi Zhang is an associate professor in the Department of Environmental Toxicology at the University of California at Davis. She received her doctoral degree in atmospheric chemistry from UC Davis and was a postdoctoral researcher at CU-Boulder. Her current research focuses include aerosol mass spectrometry, field and laboratory studies of atmospheric condensed phases, and multivariate analysis of global aerosol mass spectrometry datasets.
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