The prestigious AAAR Awards Program offers support and recognition to individuals who have shown outstanding achievement in aerosol science and technology.

As part of a five-year initiative, AAAR will focus on one award per year to raise awareness and encourage contributions. This year the Sheldon K. Friedlander Award is featured. This award is presented to a young scientist in recognition of an outstanding thesis.

The Friedlander Award will be highlighted during the conference at a booth in the exhibit area. In addition, for each contribution made to this award in 2005, AAAR will match it up to $1,000. We strongly encourage you to make a contribution!

If you are interested in contributing to the Friedlander Award or one of the others, please complete the information on the registration form or click here for an online donor form.

Other awards presented annually by AAAR:

Kenneth T. Whitby Award – Awarded to a young scientist in recognition of outstanding contributions to aerosol science and technology. The recipient must have completed his/her highest degree within the last 10 years.

David Sinclair Award - Awarded to a senior scientist still active in his/her career and recognizes sustained excellence in aerosol research and technology. The recipient must have received his/her highest degree in 1995 or earlier.

Benjamin Y.H. Liu Award – Awarded to an aerosol scientist for outstanding contributions to aerosol instrumentation and experimental techniques that have significantly advanced the science and technology of aerosols.

T homas T. Mercer Joint Prize – Awarded to an aerosol scientist for outstanding contributions in the field of aerosols in medicine; awarded jointly by AAAR and the International Society of Aerosols in Medicine (ISAM).