Exhibitor List (as of 10/14)
Exhibitor Prospectus pdf
Floor Plan pdf
Exhibitor Application pdf
Exhibitor Badge Order Form pdf

Exhibitor List (as of9/13)

Exhibitor Booth
BGI Instruments1
Cambustion 13
Grimm Technologies, Inc.6
In-Tox Products10,15
Kanomax USA Inc.7
MSP Corp.11
Magee Scientific Co.18
Met One Instruments, Inc.16
Particle Instruments12,13
Sceptor Industries5
Solar Light Company4
Sunset Laboratory, Inc.17
Thermo Electron Corporation20,21
TSI Incorporated 5,6,7
Taylor & Francis14
URG Corporation8

  • AAAR Information and Rules Governing the Exhibit
  • Hilton Austin Rules and Regulations

    By submitting an application form, registrant agrees that the Conference organizers retain the right to
    refuse or rescind exhibit privileges if abused by behavior deemed unacceptable by the organizers.
    Description of Booths Independent Contractors
    Booth Assignment Security
    Contract for Space Smoking
    Special Services, Equipment, and Utilities Giveaways
    Hours of Exhibit Insurance
    Poster Hours Public Policy
    Set-Up and Dismantling Exhibits Payment & Cancellation Policy
    Badges Liability & Hold Harmless
    Shipping: Do Not Ship Exhibits Directly to Hotel  
    Description of Booths

    Booths are 8 feet x 10 feet unless otherwise indicated. A 7-inch x 44-inch sign is provided. Cloth
    drapery material is provided with a back wall 8 feet high; side partitions are 36 inches high. Display
    materials between adjoining booths shall be limited in the front 3 feet of the booth to a height of no
    more than 36 inches. Display materials in booths where wall space is not available, or in booths that
    are back to back, shall not extend above the exhibitor’s name panel at back of booth.

    Booths shall strictly conform to these specifications. Any deviations from the specifications of this
    section including, but not limited to, displays that extend beyond their designated boundaries into
    aisles, displays that block other displays, and displays/exhibitors that are disruptive to the conference, shall be in violation of this contract and shall be grounds for removal of the exhibitor from the conference.

    Booth Assignment

    Booths will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis upon receipt of application and payment.

    Contract for Space

    All contracts are subject to the rules and regulations given herein. All applications must be accompanied by payment to cover the total cost of the space requested. Booth locations will be assigned when payment is received. Fifty percent of fees paid by the exhibitor will be refunded in the event of cancellation. No refund of any fees will be made if notice is received on or after August 31, 2005.

    No exhibitor shall assign, sublet, or apportion the whole or any part of the space allotted, nor exhibit
    therein, nor permit any other party to exhibit therein, any other goods than those manufactured or
    handled by the exhibitor in the regular course of their business, nor permit any representative or firm
    or company not exhibiting to solicit business or take orders in their space. AAAR reserves the right to
    remove any exhibitor, its assignees, or sublettors in the event that the exhibitor and/or representatives
    violate any of these provisions.

    Agents, solicitors, and representatives of firms selling commercial products will not be permitted to
    use sample rooms or space elsewhere in the hotel for display of their products. Exhibitors may take
    orders at exhibit booths. Advertising, solicitation, and distribution of literature of commercial products
    will not be permitted except from the exhibit booths. Exhibitors may distribute food and beverage in their booths only if it is ordered through the Hilton Austin. Music may not be played in any form without proper license of copyrighted music.

    Special Services, Equipment, and Utilities

    Rental price of booth does not include the cost of furniture, equipment, labor, freight handling, electric,
    water, gas, telephone, custom cleaning or other special services or utilities. Order forms for all
    services will be sent by the show management in advance of the show. Exhibitor agrees to abide by
    the terms and conditions set by the show contractor. All arrangements are the responsibility of
    the exhibitor. All order forms should be completed and mailed in advance of the event to ensure that
    adequate service is available.


    Hours of Exhibit

    Monday, October 17, 2005
    6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

    Tuesday, October 18, 2005
    9:00 am – 6:30 pm

    Wednesday, October 19, 2005
    9:00 am – 8:00 pm

    Thursday, October 20, 2005
    9:00 am – 3:00 pm

    Poster Hours

    Monday, October 17, 2005
    6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

    Tuesday, October 18, 2005
    9:00 am – 6:30 pm

    Wednesday, October 19, 2005
    9:00 am – 8:00 pm

    Thursday, October 20, 2005
    9:00 am – 3:00 pm

    Set-Up and Dismantling Exhibits

    Monday, October 17, 2005
    12:00 pm – 5:00 pm

    Thursday, October 20, 2005
    3:00 pm – 9:00 pm

    All packing crates and boxes must be removed from the exhibit floor by 5:00 pm Monday. All display
    materials must be removed from the exhibit space by 9:00 pm Thursday. Overtime rates will apply
    before 8:00 am and after 4:30 pm each day.

    Badges must be worn at all times during conference hours.
    Shipping: Do Not Ship Exhibits Directly to Hotel

    Storage facilities for packing cases, crates, and boxes are not available at the Hotel. Information
    regarding shipping and storage of exhibit material will be furnished with the Exhibitor Manual.

    Independent Contractors

    Exhibitors who plan to use independent contractors other than Freeman Decorating must notify AAAR in writing no later than 30 days prior to the conference. The company name, address, telephone
    number, name of the supervisor scheduled to be in attendance, and a statement that such contractor
    will comply with all rules and regulations of the show (including observance of local labor rules and
    regulations) is required.

    Independent contractors must abide by the following:

    • Perform all services in a timely manner, in accordance with AAAR established deadlines.
    • Not engage in solicitation of business on the exhibit floor for present and/or future conferences.
    • Provide a Certificate of Insurance to AAAR no later than September 16, 2005.
    • Register all employees and temporary help at the exhibitor registration desk.

    The services of a security guard will be obtained; however, this does not guarantee exhibitors against
    loss by theft or otherwise.

    No smoking is permitted in the exhibit hall at any time, including installation, exhibit hours and
    All giveaways should be confirmed with Sohini Mitra, Exhibits Manager, at 856-439-9080 prior to
    the conference.
    The exhibitor acknowledges that neither AAAR, Association Headquarters Inc. nor the Hilton Austin
    shall be obligated to maintain property, liability or business interruption insurance covering the
    exhibitors. The exhibitor must furnish a Certificate of Insurance (liability, fire and theft), at his or her own
    expense, to AAAR at least 30 days prior to the conference. AAAR shall be named an additional
    insured in the Certificate of Insurance. The exhibitor agrees to hold AAAR and Association Headquarters harmless for any loss, theft, damage or other harm which may occur, for any cause whatsoever, as a result of his or her participation in the Annual Conference.
    Public Policy
    Exhibitors must comply with, and be bound by, all laws, ordinances, and regulations pertaining to
    health, fire prevention and public safety. Exhibitors are responsible for making exhibits accessible to
    persons with disabilities as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act, and shall hold AAAR
    and Association Headquarters harmless from any consequences in this regard.
    Payment & Cancellation Policy

    It is expressly agreed upon that all payments for said exhibition space must be made to AAAR in a
    timely manner. AAAR reserves the right to refuse an exhibitor their exhibition space for reasons of nonpayment and/or unpaid balance at time of installation. Any waivers, discounts, or financial
    amendments of any nature whatsoever are left to the sole discretion of AAAR.

    Should an exhibitor be unable to occupy and/or use the exhibit space contracted for, and should that exhibitor notify AAAR (in writing) before August 31, 2005, 50% of fees paid by the exhibitor will be
    refunded. No refund of any fees will be made if notice is received on or after August 31, 2005. If the exhibit is on hand, the exposition management reserves the right to assign labor to install any
    display that is not in the process of being installed by the given deadline, or to ship the display back to
    the exhibiting organization and to instruct that the exhibitor be billed for all charges thus incurred.

    Liability & Hold Harmless

    It is expressly understood that AAAR, Association Headquarters and the Hilton Austin will not be
    responsible for loss or damage which might ensue from any cause in connection with transfer,
    installation, maintenance, removal of exhibits or management of convention. AAAR will not be
    responsible in any way for goods while in storage. AAAR, the Hilton Austin, Association Headquarters,
    and its agents or employees will not, under any condition or circumstances, be responsible for any
    loss sustained by any exhibitor or any other person by reason of fire, theft, water, injuries, act of God, or
    for any actions whatsoever.

    AAAR, Association Headquarters and the Hilton Austin will use necessary reasonable care for
    prevention of any losses, personal or material. Each exhibitor agrees that it shall assume sole
    responsibility for any damages to property or injuries to person, and shall indemnify, defend, and
    hold harmless AAAR, the security firm, the hotel, the general contractor, and all of their collective officers, employees, agents, and members for any and all alleged claims and liabilities which might ensue from any cause whatsoever, including any actions of any kind generally, and specifically, personal injuries to any exhibitors, officers, staff members, employees, agents, representatives, attendees, and guests. It is understood that all fees, costs, and expenses incurred by an exhibitor as a result of legal action shall be the sole responsibility of the exhibitor, and reimbursement shall not be sought against AAAR. AAAR shall be reimbursed by the seeking exhibitor for costs, fees, and expenses that are incurred and expended resulting from any action. Exhibitors shall affect their own insurance.

    All matters not expressly addressed in this document are subject to review and resolution by AAAR management.


    Hilton Austin’s display rules and regulations are based on a philosophy that all exhibitors should be
    given an equal opportunity to present their product to their audience in an effective manner.

    The Following apply to all Exhibits:

    Food and Beverage
    Right to Inspect
    Exhibitor Equipment
    Access for Deliveries
    No pins, tacks or adhesives of any kind are permitted on any wall, door or column. Adhesive-backed stickers may not be given out by exhibitors.
    All hanging signs must be professionally made and conform to show management rules, regulations and ceiling limitations. All pre-assembly of hanging signs and truss must be done by Freeman. All hanging signs and truss must be hung by Freeman. No other firm will be allowed to access to the hotel’s ceiling. Freeman and the hotel reserve the right to refuse to hang any sign and truss it deems unsafe or inappropriate.
    Non-flammable Materials
    All materials used in the Austin Grand Ballroom or any other part of the hotel must be non-flammable to conform with the fire regulations of the City of Austin.
    Compressed Gases
    Compressed gases are not allowed inside the hotel. Heavier than air gases like propane, butane or liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) are also not allowed.
    Motorized Vehicles
    All motorized vehicles are to have comprehensive general liability insurance in a minimum amount of $2,000,000 in addition to a signed waiver for indemnification/hold harmless. Both of these documents must be supplied to the hotel prior to arrival/set up date. All cars, trucks or other types of fuel powered engines on display must have the least amount of fuel possible (between 1/8 of a tank and empty). The gas cap must be a locking type or taped to prevent the leakage of fumes from the tank. Battery cables must be disconnected. Vehicles may not be started, run or moved during event hours. Transfer of fuel must be accomplished outside the building.
    The hotel is not responsible for any injury, loss or damage that may occur to the exhibitor, the exhibitor’s agent, employees or property, or to any other person’s property, prior, during or subsequent to the period covered by the exhibit contract, provided said injury, loss or damage is not caused by the willful negligence of an employee of the hotel. Each exhibitor hereby expressly releases the hotel from such liabilities and agrees to indemnify the hotel against all claims for such injury, loss or damage.
    Exhibitors who desire to carry insurance on their own exhibits must do so at their own expense.
    The hotel has the right to refuse any delivery addressed to hotel for an exhibition show. In addition the hotel has the right to consign any deliveries to Freeman and charge an additional handling fee.
    The hotel has no facilities for the storage of exhibits. All shipments must be directed to Freeman.
    Food and Beverage
    Any food or beverage dispensed or given away at a booth must be supplied and prepared by the hotel staff.
    Helium-filled balloons are not permitted in the Austin Grand Ballroom.
    Exhibitors are responsible for the removal of all tape and residue marks.
    Smoking is not allowed in the Austin Grand Ballroom or in any public area of the hotel.
    Right to Inspect
    The hotel’s security personnel reserve the right to inspect any carton, container, briefcase, luggage or package brought in to or taken out of the Austin Grand Ballroom.
    Exhibitor Equipment
      All equipment, decorations, freight, etc. must be removed from the premises at the expiration of the show. Items left behind will be treated as abandoned equipment.

    Access for Deliveries
      All articles, exhibits, fixtures, displays and property of any kind shall be brought into and out of the Austin Grand Ballroom only at and through such approved loading area as the hotel may designate.


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